by Web3Privacy Now

Welcome! Here, you'll find practical knowledge, tools, and ideas to create something meaningful, with practical impact, and built to last.

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WHAT TO BUILD Research and get inspired to find out what to build or contribute to:

Ideas Generator

Local-First Privacy Cases

Contribute to W3PN


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HOW TO BUILD Learn efficiency from experienced hackers. Create an effective project overview for your pitch:

Tips & Tricks

Tools & Stacks

Pagency Framework


“… take responsibility for real decentralization and return to the roots of the idealogy of changing the world, the internet, and people for the better.” (**Web3Privacy Now, Manifesto**)

EXPLORE Web3 Privacy Ecosystem

Discover 👁️ Privacy Explorer: a comprehensive platform designed to help navigate, understand and research privacy-focused projects across the landscape.

Privacy Explorer


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Let’s revive the crypto core values and build meaningful applications!

🖤 Curated by privacy advocates and seasoned hackers.

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